Issue 265 of Good Woodworking

Was there ever such an adaptable material as wood? We could be in strictly practical mode, using it like Andy King does in ply form to make shelves and drawers for his new van, to enable him to store his tools ready for site visits. Then at the other end of the scale we can only look on open-mouthed to see how Mary Ansett-Parry tempts woodworkers away from their squares and rules to become students of carving, as Dave Roberts reports. The connection of course is in the need always to strive for perfection in all wood disciplines, something the makers who take centre spot this month clearly accomplish. In fact Phil Davy proves this point most effectively when he builds a display cabinet to house his prized collection of boxes.
Now I’ve always been fascinated by logistics so eagerly said yes when Axminster Power Tools invited me to see their setup; I was staggered by the calmness of the offices and distribution centre and even more by the story of how the family business has grown from very small beginnings to workshop big name in 40 years or so. I suspect the clue is in the tea trolley.

Andrea Hargreaves, Editor