The Woodworker

A touch of sunshine is coming our way in this issue with a magnificent circular dining table all the way from South Africa. Reader, now contributor, Vere Shannon will take you through the stages of building this unusual table.

Elsewhere Mark Cass is showing off his carving skills when he finishes off the handrail project he started last month. Last time he was showing us how to bore square holes, this time he has been to the florist! - no he is not in trouble, well, no more than usual, you will have to turn to page 36 to find out what he has been up to. Elsewhere in the magazine you will find me in the workshop with a pile of nail-guns, large and small. Ron is back this month with the first part of his brand new series looking at the more unusual router cutters and showing us how to use them.

The turning section has plenty to keep all you round woodworkers busy while I have my head stuck in side pages 68 - 71 doing some homework with Chris Child. All this and more plus a strong test section that includes me telling you about a really neat glue gun.

This is just a taster of what you will find in the June edition of The Woodworker.

All this and plenty more for you to read and do in the original and best woodworking magazine - on sale NOW!