Andrea Hargreaves

Andrea Hargreaves  |  Jun 12, 2012  |  0 comments

“Summertime and the woodworking is... as easy and time-consuming as you want to make it. We would be the last people to suggest that you should be hard at it in the workshop while the summer sun beats down. Oh, hang on a minute, I’m forgetting about the British summer. And yes, I know many of us are still subject to a hosepipe ban despite the spring deluge, but we want to get Alan Holtham’s revolving summerhouse built, or,…

Andrea Hargreaves  |  Dec 12, 2011  |  0 comments
“I can hear you muttering that becoming a turner will mean learning a hobby that is conducted in the solitary confinement of your shed or garage. Well, partly right, but mostly wrong. This is because there is an ever-growing army of woodworkers out there who are keen to see what their fellow turners are creating. Forums including are electric with activity as turners access each other’s work, offer hints and…
