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Tegan Foley  |  Feb 19, 2016  |  0 comments


I know I say this every month, but I like to think that this issue has something for everyone: it’s musical, inspirational, artistic, pushes the boundaries and also looks at some unusual areas of the subject of woodworking, or at least that’s what I think! I reckon it’s a good un, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. So what have we got for you? Well, if you’ve ever wanted to try your…

Get Woodworkng Staff  |  Feb 05, 2016  |  0 comments


There are some jobs that seem as if they will never get done, and no matter how much work you do, the end seems as far away as ever. It might not come as any surprise to you the reader that I am involved in such a job right now. It was one of those ones which you take on in a single weak moment and regret for a great many weaker ones. It’s a restoration job and has involved a large amount of site work in a very exposed…

Tegan Foley  |  Jan 22, 2016  |  0 comments


Even though we are still very much in the thick of winter, that doesn’t mean it has to be a period of wasted workshop time. I hope you find this month’s issue to not only be informative, but also inspirational, and who knows, it may even broaden your horizons? We kick off with Tibby Singh’s font cover project, which sees him tackling a truly unique commission for his local church; followed by the…

Mark Cass  |  Jan 15, 2016  |  0 comments



Tegan Foley  |  Dec 24, 2015  |  0 comments


Hello and welcome to our first issue of 2016! After three gruelling months of waiting in anticipation, the 2015 Wood Awards winners have finally been announced. We bring you the low-down on each winning entry as well as taking a special look at the Furniture & Product category winners, which, I’m very excited to say, comprised of two student designers. You may remember ‘Endgrain’ by Raw-Edges…

Mark Cass  |  Dec 11, 2015  |  0 comments


There’s nothing like a bit of variety in life, and if you can get it in your working life as well then it’s a double bubble situation. I’m currently helping out on a roofing job; so far it’s been mostly inside in a dimly-lit squash court-sized attic and has involved a structural engineer’s report (aka a serving suggestion) and loads of 12mm birch ply. When the weather’s fine it’s…

Tegan Foley  |  Nov 28, 2015  |  0 comments


Hello and welcome to our 300th issue! Can this really be happening?! Apparently so! I must say that I feel very honoured to be part of such a wonderful team and have the privilege of working with so many great people each month in putting together a magazine that is so well loved by its readers (and by us!) A massive thank you must go out to everyone who has continued to support the magazine over the years – we…

Mark Cass  |  Nov 23, 2015  |  0 comments


It’s always good going away and, if you can do a bit of work while you’re there then it certainly adds another element to your holiday. I was visiting my brother in New York recently and found myself volunteering for a double window shelf job. I couldn’t help it and so, after the initial concept and design work, a simple materials list was drawn up and the sourcing of timber began.

Tegan Foley  |  Oct 30, 2015  |  0 comments


Hello and welcome to our special turning issue, which features the perfect mix of tests, exciting new products and some great features for you to enjoy (or at least that’s what I intended!) I couldn’t help but include above a photo of the hands of our featured pole-lathe turner at work, Gudrun Leitz. She shares her story with us and flies the flag for women turners everywhere, showing that she’s…

Mark Cass  |  Oct 23, 2015  |  0 comments


We’ve all heard it, that announcement on the slowing train warning the unwary or novice traveller to ‘mind the gap between the carriage and the platform’. A few years ago I started to amuse myself by inserting the words ‘between your dreams and reality’ every time I heard it, and still do occasionally. Sure, it’s not easy to make your dreams come true, but we’ve got to give it a try…

Tegan Foley  |  Oct 09, 2015  |  0 comments


Hello! I want to take this opportunity to urge all young woodworkers reading this to click here and if you haven’t already, apply to be in with a chance of winning the fantastic prize being given away by David Savage. The competition is drawing to a close and a plethora of amazing prizes are sitting there, just waiting to be grabbed. So, please, if you ARE a young woodworker, or indeed know someone who is, then…

Mark Cass  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments


It’s generally around this time of year that the pace of work seems to pick up a bit, in my case this has gone from flat out to borderline frantic. Everyone seems to be very keen to have their cupboards, wardrobes, etc. finished ‘this week’ or even sooner. I don’t know why this should be, perhaps it’s a deeply ingrained primeval urge to make a safe and secure dwelling for the winter months…

Tegan Foley  |  Sep 14, 2015  |  0 comments


Hello! As you’ve probably gathered, Andrea has handed over the editorial reins to me, but she will be contributing features when the urge takes her. Phew! I’ve spent the last eight years beavering away on woodworking magazines, honing my skills. In fact, I love it so much that I jumped at the chance to take on a new challenge by becoming Editor on Good Woodworking. I feel like an excited child in a sweet…

Andrea Hargreaves  |  Aug 14, 2015  |  0 comments


… to an issued packed with colour and invention. During my term as Editor of Good Woodworking I have been amazed by the glorious things you designers and makers do to wood to bring out its living essence. Just look at the cover picture above and vow to see Celebration of Craftsmanship & Design, where everything that I love about wood – its figure, its versatility, its luminosity – goes on…
