Mark Sanger and Richard Findley turning at Axminster Nuneaton...

Mark Sanger and Richard Findley will turn again at Axminster Nuneaton

Turning enthusiasts should not miss this opportunity to see two top professionals - Mark Sanger and Richard Findley - in action at Axminster’s Nuneaton store on Saturday 4 March 2017.

Both are winners of the Ready Steady Turn competition at 10 Turners Turning, Richard in 2014 and Mark in 2016. But both have very different styles. Mark’s work features wood, mixed media, texture, form and colour, all of which are influenced by Far Eastern philosophies and cultures as well as the natural forms and textures found in nature. Whereas Richard comes from a long line of professional woodworkers and  is a production turner, undertaking commissions for one off prototypes through to large production runs, turning for furniture makers, restorers, architects, designers and joiners.

You never know, they may go toe-to-toe in a rare and exciting woodturning showdown, so make sure you put the date in your diary for this unmissable encounter.

Date: Saturday 4 March 2017
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: Axminster Tools & Machinery, Bermuda Trade Park, Nuneaton CV10 7RA

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Thanks to Axminster Tools and Machinery for the news.

For more details, see the Axminster Tools Website