Meet April Wilkerson

Meet April Wilkerson, from woodworking novice to YouTube sensation

In the ten years since the launch of YouTube, the video-sharing website has become the go-to destination for guides on how to do just about anything. Woodworkers are generous folk and many are taking to YouTube to share their skills and help us all improve our craft. Tool reviews, shop tours, project ideas and tips of the trade are all available online for anyone looking for woodworking news and information.

There is a growing community of woodworkers with their own specialist YouTube channels, some of whom make their living from doing what they love, sharing projects and ideas with viewers. One of the woodworking YouTubers is April Wilkerson Triton Brand Champion for the USA who also provides valuable feedback on product development. April is the first to admit that she is relatively new to woodworking but with a passion for making and a determination to learn and share her knowledge she has gained a committed following for her YouTube channel. 

Find out more about how she has turned her woodworking hobby into a successful YouTube channel that is now her full-time job.

To see more of April’s work, read up on her project or download some plans, check out her website  and her YouTube Channel