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Good Woodworking  |  Oct 22, 2008  |  0 comments

We’re on the cliffs above Blackgang Chine on the Isle of Wight. Behind us, to the north, the skies are bruised and heavy with the threat of approaching rain. But before us, the glass top of a table — part-silvered by the autumn sun — reflects the passage of billowing clouds as they catch the wind in their huge sails and trail their shadows southwards over the mirrored sea, over the horizon, and over the edge of the glass.…

Tegan Foley  |  Sep 27, 2022  |  0 comments
Master Craftsman Kevin Gauld outlines the construction of an iconic piece of furniture, which also encapsulates the story of a group of people, a time and a place, as told by John Greeves
Tegan Foley  |  Sep 07, 2022  |  0 comments
Attending this fantastic weekend event, Phil Davy relishes the opportunity to get back into gear and celebrate green woodworking in its various forms
Tegan Foley  |  Mar 20, 2023  |  0 comments
Recognised as one of Victorian Britain’s most significant cultural figures, there’s more to William Morris than just wallpaper, as Peter Scaife discovers
Tegan Foley  |  Aug 05, 2022  |  0 comments

Having asked readers to share their woodworking projects and showcase a range of workshop skills, we finally announce the deserving winner of the recent Liberon competition, as well as featuring various other selected entries

Tegan Foley  |  May 25, 2022  |  0 comments

Andrew Lawton – one of our three expert judges for the Alan Peters Furniture Award 2022 – presents an exhibition piece made using a very unique material
