Tool company becomes corporate member of the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers

Tool company becomes corporate member of the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers 


It was a proud moment for Axminster Tools & Machinery (AT&M) recently when it became the 15th corporate member of the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers of the City of London.

Directors Alan Styles, Michael Trimble and Martin Brown accepted membership and became Corporate Liverymen at a ceremony held in Furniture Makers’ Hall at Austin Friars in the City. 


The main aim of the Furniture Makers’ Company is to promote and develop the British furniture industry. It achieves this by supporting training opportunities, charitable work and networking.

The Company comprises a community of like-minded people in the forefront of the industry. Other well known companies including Harrods, John Lewis, Homebase and B&Q are also corporate members.  AT&M looks forward to supporting the Company of Furniture Makers with its endeavours.

 Image: L to R Michael Trimble, Alan Styles and Martin Brown outside the Furniture Makers’ Hall.