Video on

Video is something you'll be seeing a lot more of on GW over the coming months. I'm pleased to say the GW forum is already video friendly. Any GW member can embed video into their forum posts from either YouTube or Google Video.

I've written a quick tutorial below on how to get started. But before proceeding, please read the following guidelines on what sort of video content should and should not be posted.

First of all the do's:
1. Anything that's relevant to your craft or the GW site ~ post away!
2. Ideally, off topic videos should be relevant to an existing thread, and...
3. ... they should be posted in the 'Bench Banter' folder where possible.

Now the don'ts:
1. No advertising please. If your video contains a plug for a product, be it your own or someone else's, get in touch before posting. There are other channels for advertising on GW and the forum is not one of them. This type of content is likely to be deleted.
2. No offensive material. If you think it might cause offense, don't post it.

Please ensure that you are either the copyright owner (i.e. you created the video) or that you have permission from the copyright owner before posting any material in the forum.

All video content is viewed by the site moderators so if you're in any doubt whether to post a video or not, do get in touch. You can email me directly at [email protected]

Now for the fun bit, here's how you get posting your videos:
1. Videos are posted from the standard forum posting box which looks like this:

video dialogue box

2. Click the 'insert image or movie' button. insert video button

3. Select which type of video you want to insert from the drop down menu.

video drop-drop menu

4. The video URL (Universal Resource Locator) will be available from the YouTube or Google Video page. Simply copy and past the URL into the 'insert image or movie' dialogue box and press insert.

5. After a few seconds you should see a preview of your video. Press the submit button and you're done.

Now all you need to do is get the old video camera out and start filming!