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Tegan Foley  |  Jun 29, 2022  |  0 comments
Is it possible to recreate the shapes and colours of a pottery bowl, in wood? Bob Chapman fires up the lathe and sets about creating a near-perfect replica
Tegan Foley  |  Jun 22, 2022  |  0 comments
Peter Scaife presents an ideal project for those looking to use up leftovers, who may wish to practise or learn a few new woodworking skills
Tegan Foley  |  Jun 15, 2022  |  0 comments
Combining various projects in one and requiring the use of multiple turning techniques, Philip Bradley shares the design for his unique dip pen wand
Tegan Foley  |  Jun 07, 2022  |  0 comments
Ideal for gardeners with limited space, Peter Bishop’s triple-decker stands can be used outside or placed in a porch, greenhouse or conservatory
Tegan Foley  |  May 12, 2022  |  0 comments
Andrew Hall conducts an experiment in tools, timber and techniques
Tegan Foley  |  Apr 06, 2022  |  0 comments

When it came to sourcing timber for a new project, rather than paying a visit to his local timber merchant, Gareth Jones turned to the offcuts pile, using various bits to make a range of tool racks

Tegan Foley  |  Dec 28, 2021  |  0 comments
In this part of the directory, Peter Bishop gets stuck into the Ss, and there’s a lot of them. Here he catches up with 'saws' and spends quite a while covering all the associated stuff
Tegan Foley  |  Nov 10, 2021  |  0 comments

Old and collectible tool enthusiast Daniel Letts shares some of his recent finds, including a moulding plane that holds a very elusive maker’s mark

Mark SBD  |  Sep 20, 2017  |  0 comments

Outta Space

When small isn’t beautiful

Ben Plewes  |  Jun 22, 2010  |  0 comments
In this second part Phil takes at look at some innovative exterior security products.
Ben Plewes  |  Jun 22, 2010  |  0 comments
In this second part Phil takes at look at some innovative exterior security products.
Tony Sutton  |  May 08, 2009  |  0 comments
Some 20 years ago, when I first became seriously interested in woodworking, I began by making furniture for the house. Money was tight, so I used melamine-covered chipboard held together with dowels and screws, and worked on a cheap copy of the famous Black & Decker workmate in a cold, damp single garage at the end of the garden. My early skills, on the other hand, came from my father, who was a cabinetmaker and later a carpenter too, so my…

Ben Plewes  |  May 07, 2009  |  0 comments
PART 2       The tool tray To form the ends of the tool tray recess, I cut two lengths of 50 x 155mm beech at 45° on one end, and glued them to the rear of the bench-top. I then glued a 25 x 100mm plank of beech across these blocks to form the rear of the tool tray; two pieces of 20 x 10mm beech fitted under the top on either side of the recess provided a lip to support the trays 4mm MDF bottom.  …

Alan Holtham  |  Nov 07, 2008  |  0 comments

Continuing on from part 1 of 'Setting up shop', Alan Holtham sheds some more wisdom on designing your own workshop.

• If you’re still struggling to get to grips with your layout, I’ve formulated the following summary for setting up a workshop, based on about half a dozen previous arrangements of mine in a variety of different situations. They’re presented in no particular order, and the list…

Alan Holtham  |  Nov 07, 2008  |  0 comments

The problem with setting up a workshop is that it’s rare to have a completely clean sheet of paper on which to design your perfect solution. and you have to make do with what’s available. Usually you’re forced to convert an existing garage, shed or outhouse and this puts an immediate constraint on the layout you can adopt.
