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Mansoor Iqbal  |  Jan 13, 2011  |  0 comments
Gary Goby founded the timber retailer that bears his name in order to meet his children’s university costs. It was ran from a barn-cum-workshop on his six acres of land in Oregon in the U.S. He had no idea that a few years later the company’s annual sales would have reached seven figures, that it would employ five people, and that it would fill a five acre lot and a 10,000 square foot warehouse. But what allowed Goby Walnut &…

Karl Dixon  |  Dec 23, 2010  |  0 comments

Karl Dixon  |  Nov 23, 2010  |  0 comments
        The Bedroom Scene    I remember it being a particularly rainy Saturday afternoon when my father announced the completion of his latest and most ambitious project to date: the designing and construction of bunk-beds for me and my brother, with built-in wardrobes and storage areas above with added sliding doors. This project had kept him busy for no less than five…

Mansoor Iqbal  |  Nov 02, 2010  |  0 comments
                                                          Toby Howes' Iris drinks cabinet is, as you can see, a rather special piece of work. But as great as it looks in a picture, we…

Mansoor Iqbal  |  Oct 31, 2010  |  0 comments

London’s East End is one of the most recognisable areas in Britain. From the legions of tourists on Jack the Ripper tours, to the high pressure sales tactics of the proprietors of Brick Lane curry houses, and of course the heady mix of the local Cockney geezers and fashionable youngsters who’ve migrated the length and breadth of the country to be there, you’d be hard pressed to not know exactly where you were. It has…

Karl Dixon  |  Oct 12, 2010  |  0 comments
              Shelf Life   Up until his 40th year, my father had managed to save the woodworking world the embarrassment of joining its legions of enthusiasts. That was until the fateful day my mother innocently stated that she’d like a bookshelf in the kitchen for all her cookery books. My father absently agreed to look into it next…

Mansoor Iqbal  |  Oct 12, 2010  |  0 comments
Take a look at the photos below – pretty arresting, aren't they? Believe it or not, though, they're the product of homemade pinhole cameras, and in Good Woodworking 233 – this year's Special, based around mixed media, and on sale this friday – we show you how to make one of your very own. You won't need any fancy equipment, just a bit of MDF or wood and some easily sourced gubbins. The article comes courtesy of…

Ben Plewes  |  Sep 02, 2010  |  0 comments
Well known Axminster turner Jason Breach has been awarded 1st Prize in this years Masters Competition run by the Worshipful Company of Turners, held at the Apothecaries Hall in Blackfriars, London. Entrants were required to make A Pair of Presentation Boxes. The Masters Competition was divided into two sections, one for plain turning and the other for ornamental / rose engine turning. Jason's piece was entered into the plain turning…

Alexandra Preston  |  Aug 12, 2010  |  0 comments
In a small workshop in Dufton, time has stood still for more than a century. Rustic-looking metal tools line the walls, the smell of wood-smoke drifts out of the open fire, and a tattered receipt lying on the table records a purchase paid for in shillings. Thick, dusty stone walls support the low ceiling, and piles of sawdust cover the floor. This is the workplace of father and-son-team John and Graeme Rudd, who are part of a…

Ben Plewes  |  Mar 23, 2010  |  0 comments
With the recent publication of the Government's Strategy for Household Energy Management (Warmer Homes, Greener Homes) and the introduction of Pay as You Save, there is no better time to investigate how to carry out environmentally friendly improvements to your home. Pay as You Save allows the cost of energy-saving measures to be paid back over many years - removing a major hurdle to investing in large-scale 'green' improvements. To help…

Peter Dunsmore  |  Feb 08, 2010  |  0 comments
    From the issue February 2010 issue of The Woodworker Magazine - Make an Oak Bed   SUBSCRIBERS - click here to download your FREE pdf of the entire article.    

GetWoodworking  |  Sep 18, 2009  |  0 comments
To the casual observer there seems to be an ever growing divide between the power tool junkie and the traditionalist hand tool user. The check shirt and tool-belted enthusiast with a workshop full of power tools on one hand and the men in the brown coats who spend more time sharpening tools than using them.... This is, of course, the perception rather than the rule. Stereotyping is just as rife in woodworking as it is in every other walk of…

Iain Whittington  |  Sep 11, 2009  |  0 comments
Iain Whittington began working wood under his father’s guidance in the family garage. Though his career as an Army engineer took him around the world, he continued to develop his woodworking skills, all of which proved invaluable when retirement brought a new challenge – the restoration of a 17th century Devon longhouse complete with fittings and furniture. It’s a job that requires a sympathetic eye for the different styles and…

GetWoodworking  |  Sep 02, 2009  |  0 comments
The GKS 190 Professional sets new standards for hand-held circular saws in the professional entry-level class. With its 1,400-watt motor, it offers the highest power in this category for fast sawing and the best power-to-weight ratio. It is the first in this class to offer a cutting depth of 70 millimetres and a maximum saw blade bevel of 56°.     A clear view of the saw blade and cutting line
